Summer has landed
After slogging through two weeks of law journal duty after the end of exams, I packed up my things (with GPG's help), moved them into storage (again with GPG's help), and drove down to Houston to start my summer. Tomorrow I'll begin 4 weeks of work with Big Firm.
In the meantime, though, there are a lot of knitting pictures to catch up with, thanks to GPG's digital camera.
First, I finished the Regia Multiringel socks! They'll go to the Chairwoman as a belated birthday present. Unfortunately, try as I might, I couldn't manage to swing identical socks.
I started out pretty well for the legs . . .

But things went pretty downhill from there:

There was no way I was going to get identical socks--not with the amount of yarn I had. So I just kept knitting and figured that the feet would get hidden in shoes, anyway. Right?
Here's a shot of the heels:

And a shot of the fronts:

I wasn't sure at first if I liked the way the stripes looked with the ribbing (especially with the purls), but they've grown on me.
I also finished the second Koigu ankle sock. Voila! A finished pair!

And, verily, this my first pair of toe-up, short-row heel socks! (I'll admit, unabashedly, that I still have to finish a second Wyvern sock. I'm suffering from serious second-sock syndrome with that pair, for some reason. But I brought the yarn to Houston with me and I really hope I'll git 'er done.)
I'm quite pleased with the way the Koigu socks turned out, although they did take a bit of frogging and re-knitting, both at the toes (as I tried to figure out how many stitches I needed for the circumference of my foot) and at the cuffs (as I tried to finish the socks without using the second ball of yarn I had).

This is my first pair of Koigu socks, as I've mentioned before, and I really like the yarn. (In fact, I've started another pair of Koigu socks with yarn from my stash! Have to have a project to work on while sitting through first-week orientation stuff with the Big Firm.) I took a (blurry) photo of the cuffs of the ankle socks to show one of the things I like about Koigu: the beautiful color variation in the yarn.

I just love the way the color changes over such small repeats. It's really beautiful!
But, let me tell you, I was nervous about finishing these puppies up with the yarn that I had. I actually ended up frogging the first finished sock a little to make the cuff match the second sock, which was more constrained by yarn yardage. I haven't yet woven in the ends of the yarn, and you can see below just how little yarn I had left!

Anyway, they turned out great. As I mentioned in my earlier post, they were supposed to be for someone else, but I decided to keep them if I could finish them without using the second ball of yarn that I have in this colorway. This way, I can still make another pair of these for a friend with exactly the same size feet as I do. (I didn't really have any good ideas for what to do with less than one full ball of Koigu.) I'm making some full-size socks for the person who got gypped out of these ankle socks.
I start work tomorrow. Currently, I'm a few rows past the toe of the new Koigu socks I just started. I wonder: how much will I be able to knit tomorow at work?