Belated updates!
I almost forgot! Now that I'm at GPG's, I can show you a picture of the second loaf of cinnamon bread I made a few weeks ago:

I was silly and forgot to take pictures until we had already eaten more than half the loaf. But it turned out just as well as the first. I might try to make some more this weekend, after I get back to Austin.
And, I also forgot to tell you about the great finds I made this weekend at a public book fair hosted for the benefit of the Houston Public Library. Look at what I got:

The lower bottom book is The Splendid Table, which is a thick book of Italian recipes. Everything I've looked at so far in there sounds really delicious and I'm looking forward to trying some of the recipes out (although that may not happen any time soon, what with school ending and me shuffling around the country throughout the summer). It's no exhaustively tested America's Test Kitchen, but the gold sticker on the front is a Julia Child Cookbook Award, so I figure it has to be a decent cookbook. Right?
The lower right book is the Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework. I'm excited about this book, too, because I've always been interested in trying some embroidery or needlepoint, and the book gives some clear instructions for these and other fibery/fabricky crafts, like macrame, crochet, knitting, and quilting. Again, I don't know when I'll actually be able to try my hand at any of these things, but I'm sure that this is a good reference book to have.
And, lastly, the top book is Melanie Falick's Knitting for Baby. I really like Melanie Falick's books; they're always so beautiful. And since I know a lot of people who have or are going to have babies, I figured the book would come in useful. In fact, I know of four new babies coming up in the rest of the year, so I'd better get started on some baby gifts! I don't have the time or yarn to make anything elaborate, but there are some nice baby bootie patterns in the book, plus some patterns for toys like balls, blocks, and teddy bears. Those will probably do to eat into my Cascade 220 stash a bit.
For a real-time update, I give you the progress I've made on my Regia sock:

It's been helping me study Digital Copyright. Yes, alas, I am still not done with school, despite general appearances; I still have one more exam on Saturday. But, fortunately, it's only for a 2-hour credit course, and I've already reviewed 1) a fair amount of my class notes; and 2) a fair amount of Copyright in general, for my plain-Jane Copyright exam last Friday. Tomorrow I'll head back to Austin to start studying in earnest, but until then I'm still in Houston, knitting on the Regia sock and doing some modest studying.
A heel flap will probably come soon on the sock. If I get through that sometime soon, I'll try to post a picture before I leave tomorrow!

I was silly and forgot to take pictures until we had already eaten more than half the loaf. But it turned out just as well as the first. I might try to make some more this weekend, after I get back to Austin.
And, I also forgot to tell you about the great finds I made this weekend at a public book fair hosted for the benefit of the Houston Public Library. Look at what I got:

The lower bottom book is The Splendid Table, which is a thick book of Italian recipes. Everything I've looked at so far in there sounds really delicious and I'm looking forward to trying some of the recipes out (although that may not happen any time soon, what with school ending and me shuffling around the country throughout the summer). It's no exhaustively tested America's Test Kitchen, but the gold sticker on the front is a Julia Child Cookbook Award, so I figure it has to be a decent cookbook. Right?
The lower right book is the Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework. I'm excited about this book, too, because I've always been interested in trying some embroidery or needlepoint, and the book gives some clear instructions for these and other fibery/fabricky crafts, like macrame, crochet, knitting, and quilting. Again, I don't know when I'll actually be able to try my hand at any of these things, but I'm sure that this is a good reference book to have.
And, lastly, the top book is Melanie Falick's Knitting for Baby. I really like Melanie Falick's books; they're always so beautiful. And since I know a lot of people who have or are going to have babies, I figured the book would come in useful. In fact, I know of four new babies coming up in the rest of the year, so I'd better get started on some baby gifts! I don't have the time or yarn to make anything elaborate, but there are some nice baby bootie patterns in the book, plus some patterns for toys like balls, blocks, and teddy bears. Those will probably do to eat into my Cascade 220 stash a bit.
For a real-time update, I give you the progress I've made on my Regia sock:

It's been helping me study Digital Copyright. Yes, alas, I am still not done with school, despite general appearances; I still have one more exam on Saturday. But, fortunately, it's only for a 2-hour credit course, and I've already reviewed 1) a fair amount of my class notes; and 2) a fair amount of Copyright in general, for my plain-Jane Copyright exam last Friday. Tomorrow I'll head back to Austin to start studying in earnest, but until then I'm still in Houston, knitting on the Regia sock and doing some modest studying.
A heel flap will probably come soon on the sock. If I get through that sometime soon, I'll try to post a picture before I leave tomorrow!
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