Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Too much to knit

Holey moley, I have too much to knit. I really don't know if I will be able to finish all the holiday knitting I had planned out for myself this year. I will either be giving some late, late gifts or settling for store-bought things.

The good news is that I have finished some things. Gifts for the Aspiring Ecologist, the Violinist, the Pianist, and GPG's brother-in-law are all done. I also have finished the Flower Basket Shawl for the Boll Weaver, who is due back in Austin from Eureka, CA sometime soon. Lastly, I've finished one of the two scarves I need to knit as thank-you gifts for the professors who wrote me recommendations for my clerkship applications.

The bad news is that I really haven't made much progress on anything else. I started another Flower Basket for GPG's mother, but haven't gotten farther than few inches on that, and I have yarn for yet another Flower Basket for my grandmother. (I thought about using other patterns for these shawls, like maybe Kiri (link is to a PDF), but at this point I figure I should go with the familiar pattern.) I want to make slippers for the Chairman and socks or some kind of cowl for the Chairwoman. I also have yarn to make Odessa for GPG's sister and hats for his nephews that will match their dad's hat (that is to say, GPG's sister will have a hat of her own while her husband and sons all match. It's just hard to match men's hats to Odessa). I still have the one thank-you scarf to finish. And all this is to say nothing of the gifts I had intended to make for GPG--at least a pair of socks, plus a very special surprise that will remain unbloggable until it's made.

On top of all this, next week during Thanksgiving I'll be seeing some families with new babies that I haven't seen in ages. One is visiting from Switzerland. So of course I have to give those babies Almost Famous Luggy Bonnets (picture of one knitter's version here) from Weekend Knitting. I dropped all the other knitting this week to get a move-on with those. But, unfortunately, by the time I have those bonnets ready, Thanksgiving will be upon me, and with Thanksgiving comes . . . cramming for finals, and the finals will not end until Dec. 20.

Something is going to have to give, and it won't be the finals. Despite my 3L ennui, I still have my neurotic law student pride. Unfortunately, because he is the most understanding, it will probably have to be GPG's gifts . . . but even with that respite, I'm afraid that I'll need more slack than that. Clearly I did not prioritize my gift-knitting very well this year. Arg!

I don't know how I'm going to do all this.


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