Barbri sucks!
I apologize sincerely for my blogging absence. I've been studying doggedly for the California bar over the past three weeks, and although there's been some knitting and crafting going on, there's been no time for blogging. My head is overflowing with ridiculous things like false pretenses, the best evidence rule, how many days the plaintiff must wait before sending an interrogatory to the defendant in California, and modified comparative liability. I don't know how I'm going to survive until the bar! My head will explode before then!
Anyway, I will try and post a few updates on the various crafty things I'm doing while studying for the bar. I'm not sure how often I will be able to post, but I'll make an effort.
My first bar-studying post must, naturally, be about Sockapalooza. I see various bloggers posting pictures of the beautiful socks they're knitting for their pals, so of course I need to oblige with a few pictures of my own. I actually started my own Sockapalooza socks just last week:

I lost my US2 circular needles somewhere during my move from Austin to Houston. I ordered some more, but they haven't come in the mail yet, and I realized that I'd better get hopping on these Sockapalooza socks now before I really go crazy studying for the bar in July. So I pulled out my trusty DPNs and started with those. This is the first time in a while that I've knit with DPNs (I prefer the 2 circular needles method), but it isn't too cumbersome.
Since I took these picutres, I've managed to turn the heel, but that's about it. (That's no great feat, since my sock pal says she likes socks that aren't too long in the leg, so I got a break there.) There will be more progress pictures eventually.
Here's a close-up of the pattern:

I chose the "Undulating Rib Socks" pattern in the new Favorite Socks from Interweave Knits. The socks in the book use a multicolored yarn, so I thought it would suit the Mahogany Fleece Artist I'm using. I have made some modifications, though--smaller needles, and a short-row heel, since I've come to believe that short-row heels fit better.
The Mahogany colorway is absolutely beautiful. I tried to get a good picture of it, but it's a little more saturated and vibrant than the pictures show. And it's a perfectly variegated yarn, too--no pooling or flashing; just subtle changes between different shades of umber and brown, with flashes of pinkish red and tan. It's a really lovely yarn.

But now I've got to get back to studying. I just wanted to surface for a moment and say hello, especially to my own Sock Pal out there somewhere! I'll try to post again eventually--I got a terrific package from Caitlyn that I have to blog about!
Anyway, I will try and post a few updates on the various crafty things I'm doing while studying for the bar. I'm not sure how often I will be able to post, but I'll make an effort.
My first bar-studying post must, naturally, be about Sockapalooza. I see various bloggers posting pictures of the beautiful socks they're knitting for their pals, so of course I need to oblige with a few pictures of my own. I actually started my own Sockapalooza socks just last week:

I lost my US2 circular needles somewhere during my move from Austin to Houston. I ordered some more, but they haven't come in the mail yet, and I realized that I'd better get hopping on these Sockapalooza socks now before I really go crazy studying for the bar in July. So I pulled out my trusty DPNs and started with those. This is the first time in a while that I've knit with DPNs (I prefer the 2 circular needles method), but it isn't too cumbersome.
Since I took these picutres, I've managed to turn the heel, but that's about it. (That's no great feat, since my sock pal says she likes socks that aren't too long in the leg, so I got a break there.) There will be more progress pictures eventually.
Here's a close-up of the pattern:

I chose the "Undulating Rib Socks" pattern in the new Favorite Socks from Interweave Knits. The socks in the book use a multicolored yarn, so I thought it would suit the Mahogany Fleece Artist I'm using. I have made some modifications, though--smaller needles, and a short-row heel, since I've come to believe that short-row heels fit better.
The Mahogany colorway is absolutely beautiful. I tried to get a good picture of it, but it's a little more saturated and vibrant than the pictures show. And it's a perfectly variegated yarn, too--no pooling or flashing; just subtle changes between different shades of umber and brown, with flashes of pinkish red and tan. It's a really lovely yarn.

But now I've got to get back to studying. I just wanted to surface for a moment and say hello, especially to my own Sock Pal out there somewhere! I'll try to post again eventually--I got a terrific package from Caitlyn that I have to blog about!
Have you done the impossible UCC-related performance exam yet? That nearly killed me.
Hey SD,
I tried emailing you at, but my email got bounced. Could you send me an email at my
I almost chose that pattern for your socks. The color is very pretty.
I love that sock pattern.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the awesome package. I have been so absent from the computer due to sickness, bible school, and work. I will try and have you a letter out this week. :)
Good luck with the bar studying. It will all be worth it soon.
I laughed out loud at the title to your post. Studying for the bar does indeed suck like nothing else really can. Hang in there - it will be over before you know it and then you'll have that sick feeling in your stomach every time you think about it until you get the results. I love the Fleece Artist colorway. But then again I've never seen one of their colorways I didn't love.
Barbri SUCKS! OMG they are horrible and terrible. They are so unhelpful and cold. Oh, did I mention that they are stupid too? They are greedy and obnoxious and CANT TEACH AT ALL. The world would be better off without this scam artist.
You think I am just spouting off? I scored in the 93rd percentile on the LSAT, had a 3.9 GPA undergrad, and got a $25,000 PER YEAR scholarship to the law school I went to. I graded onto law review, and I passed the bar on the first try. You want to know WHY?? BECAUSE I STAYED THE HELL AWAY FROM BARBRI and their idiocy! The first time I tried to access their online content for students, I was at the library and I didn't notice their tiny print that said "Can only register up to two machines" so of course I did everything I needed to to view the content... they are just so stupid. Full of idiots. Oh, and their reps are retards too.
Hey, I graduated 4th in my class out of 207 law students... sooo, yeah. Hey, if you think YOU KNOW BETTER--go ahead, go with Barbri. F yourself and your future over. But hey, you cant say you weren't warned from someone who actually KNOWS.
Thank you for time, this has been Reality speaking.
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