Friday, February 10, 2006

Skiing Hiatus II!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. After I got back from Ski Trip I, I had to work on a paper draft for school that was due on Thursday. Now that I'm done with it, I'm almost ready to head off for Ski Trip II: Boondoggle Boogaloo, hosted by the law firm I'm going to work for in L.A. this summer. They are flying us to Utah this evening for a day and a half (maybe two, since my return flight on Sunday is fairly late) of skiing.

So, posting will be sparse, unfortunately. In the meantime, for knitting, I've started on a wedding present for the Violinist and I'm maybe a third of the way through the Chairman's birthday present. Lots and lots of presents to make right now. I still have to make the Chairwoman's cowl out of the lovely Kathmandu yarn, but that has to wait for a while. So do pictures of all these things, since obviously I don't want to spill the beans before the recipients receive these various knitted goodies.

Have a good weekend. More posting following the boondoggle.


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