Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Warning: spotty posting ahead

I think that posting from now until the end of the semester will be pretty spotty as I try to gear up for finals. Already I can tell that the frenzy has somewhat begun; I have been (somewhat) more productive and disciplined in the past week, and I'm sure I will only become even more frantic as finals approach.

But, before I disappear from the radar screen entirely, I'd like to write to encourage those people in the Austin area to go and see the Ansel Adams exhibit currently showing at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at UT. GPG was in town this past weekend and we went to see it on Sunday afternoon. It was great! Lots of beautiful photographs, plus a lot of images that you don't usually see in typical Ansel Adams collections. For instance, I had no idea that Adams did portraits or any kind of urban photography. Admittedly, I like his national parks photos best, probably because that's what I've come to associate him with, but the other photographs at the exhibit are still unique and very impressive. Go check it out!

(The HRC also has a Gutenberg Bible, which you can see while you're there to take in the Ansel Adams exhibit. It's supposedly one of only five complete copies in the U.S. I can't remember if the one I saw at the Huntington was a complete copy or not. Pretty cool if I can say I've seen two of those five copies now.)

Anyway, GPG and I had a good weekend. We went rock climbing on Saturday, which was a little pathetic because we hadn't been climbing in over a year, but still fun; we saw the new Wallace and Gromit movie, which was really entertaining; and we went to Java Noodles, one of my favorite Austin restaurants, which serves Indonesian cuisine. All in all, a great weekend. Hope you all had a good one, too!


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