Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Er . . . scratch the pictures, please.

I had pictures taken of all the new Koigu yarn . . . but I guess I'm still getting the hang of using GPG's digital camera, because none of them were really all that good. So no Koigu pictures today. I will try again tomorrow and try to capture the colors more accurately.

But, I do have a few pictures to share of GPG's Christmas gift (his gift to me, that is) in action. I love it!

This is what we start out with . . .

Then we get a little winding action going . . .

And voila!

This is some of that eggplanty Opal I plan to use to make some armwarmers. It's luscious stuff.

My legs are pretty tired today from those 15 miles yesterday. I hobbled to the post office to mail a package and then to the bookstore to browse a bit, but I mostly stayed at home, sat, and knit. It's easy to forget that it hurts a bit to walk when you don't, you know, actually walk.


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